

DVD - Les Fichiers Perdus - French TV 1964-1970
- Beatles in Paris 1964
- AHDN footage 1964
- Beatles in Australia 1964
- Beatles in the US 1964
- Salisbury Plain footage 1965
- Spain 1965
- USA 1965
- MBE footage 1965
- Palais des Sports, Paris (evening show, scrambled) 20 June 1965
- Harold Wilson in Liverpool
- London Airport July 8 1966
- US 1966
- Melody Maker Awards September 13 1966
- All You Need is Love 1967
- Bangor 1967
- How I Won the War Premiere 1967
- John, George & Maharishi at UNICEF Concert December 16 1967
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush Premiere January 4 1968
- Rishikesh 1968
- Yellow Submarine Premiere July 17 1968 colour footage
- Apple Boutique colour footage
- Paul & Linda Wedding 1969
- John & Yoko in Amsterdam
 1.  - Dokumentation Beatlemania
 2.  - 15.01.64 - Cinema Cyrano, Versailles - ORTF News
    (Trini Lopez, Sylvie Vartan, The Beatles)
 3.  - 07.02.64 - JFK Airport, New York
 4.  - Beatles Headquarters - Merchandising
- 22.02.64 - London Airport
 5.  - A Hard Day's Night - Train to Minehead
- 22.02.64 - London Airport
 6.  - A Hard Day's Night - 31.03.64 - Scala Theatre
 7.  - 12.06.64 - Adelaide, Airport und Hotel
 8.  - 05.06.64 - Amsterdam, Airport und Hotel
 9.  - 14.06.64 - Melbourne
10.  - 10.07.64 - Liverpool Town Hall
11.  - 30.07.64 - London Airport, return from Sweden
12.  - 18.08.64 - San Fransisco Airport
13.  - 20.08.64 - Las Vegas, Convention Hall
14.  - 20.09.64 - New York, Paramount Theatre
- 21.09.64 - London Airport

- 22.02.65 - London Airport, Abflug auf die Bahamas - Help!
16.  - Dokumentation Beatlemania
17.  - 03.-05.05.65 - Help! - Knighton Down
18.  - 14.06.64 - Ringo - Ankunft in Melbourne
19.  - 02.07.65 - Plaza de Toros, Madrid
20.  - 21.-22.06.65 - Lyon
21.  - 13.08.65 - JFK Airport, New York
22.  - 15.08.65 - Shea Stadium
23.  - 02.09.65 - London Airport
24.  - 26.10.65 - M.B.E.
25.  - 20.06.65 - Palais des Sports, Paris
26.  - 23.07.66 - Wiedereröffnung Cavern Club - Premierminister Harold Wilson

- 08.07.66 - London Airport, Skyway Hotel
28.  - 23.07.66 - Wiedereröffnung Cavern Club - Premierminister Harold Wilson
29.  - 23.07.66 - Wiedereröffnung Cavern Club - Premierminister Harold Wilson
30.  - 11.08.66 - London Airport
31.  - 22.08.66 - NYC, Warwick Hotel
32.  - 13.09.66 - Melody Maker Award

- 25.06.67 - Our World
34.  - 25.08.67 - Bangor Station, Euston Station
35.  - 27.08.67 - Brian Death
36.  - 25.08.67 - Bangor Station
- 26.08.67 - Bangor Seminar
37.  - News - Brian Death
38.  - Newsreel - Plattenshop
39.  - 18.10.67 - How I Won The War - Premiere
40.  - 16.12.67 - Gala de'l Unicef

- 04.01.68 - Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush - Premiere
42.  - Febr.68 - Rishikesh
43.  - Febr.68 - Rishikesh (Ringo und Paul auf dem Weg nach Rishikesh (20..02.68))
44.  - Febr.68 - Rishikesh
45.  - 17.07.68 - Yellow Submarine Premiere
46.  - 31.07.68 - Apple Boutique closes
47.  - 01.07.68 - You Are Here - Robert Fraser Gallery
48.  - 12.03.69 - Hochzeit Paul & Linda
49.  - 25.-31.03.69 - John & Yoko - Amsterdam Hilton
50.  -
51.  -
52.  - 27.04.70 - The Beatles Break Up